Wednesday, 26 September 2012


Well here I go! Entering the world of blogging with a deep breath and some directions from friends and Google. :-)

"Why blog?" you may ask.
Well, I never seriously considered it until about four months ago. That was when I was told I had been awarded an International Teaching Fellowship by the Department of Education, Victoria. With this Fellowship, I am heading to Colorado, USA to teach from Jan to Dec 2013. It is basically a teaching fellowship exchange match where myself and a Colorado teacher swap teaching positions and places of residence for a year. Once I had come down from my ENORMOUS high and squealed and danced and signed all I needed to sign in order to accept the Fellowship, it was announced to the staff, parents and students of my school. My former, current and some not-even-had-yet students started questioning me straight away:
"Can I link to you on facebook?"
"Can I email you?"
"Will you send photos?"
"Will you skype with us?"

So instead of linking all these young people to my personal facebook or my professional learning network on twitter, I decided to create a blog. I thought it would be a good way for anyone who is interested - students, parents, staff, friends, relatives - to keep up to date on my exciting and wonderful adventure next year! This blog will be filled with not only teaching anecdotes and things that happen in Colorado but also travels and adventures I take during 2013. It will be a mix of school life, home life and life on the road...........!

Therefore - WELCOME! Welcome to the start of my journey. Welcome to the teachings and travels I will experience ....... feel free to drop in from time to time or follow every post religiously. Feel free to read but also feel free to leave a comment. I can't promise a post every day but I will promise a post at least once a fortnight - more often when there are exciting events to share!